The main concept of this project was to provide a space for a certain part of the city, that will promote constructive discussions between different people. Starting from the idea of the "bundle" we thought about a space that is created inside a stylised shape of a ribbon, that will enclose a certain part of the space. Even if the structure is opened, somehow it looks like an enclosed space.
The main concept started from the idea of individuality and community; trying to implement a sense of community in a neighbourhood where it is clearly visible the individuality of the residents. The idea was to preserve the individuality of each resident, but still trying to create a sense of communitary living, where the real value is the respect for the public space.
The "bundle" was projected to hold only one simple function, the possibility to sit and talk.
The idea of the individuality is relfected in the possibility for the people to choose and take each seat by themselves, and even find the place where to put it.
Still the idea of individuality, has to follow some rules in order to create a community; that is why the places to put seats are preset, and consist in small platforms elevated by 5 centimeters from the ground. These platforms are spread in a way that recreates a circle, so the people can look at each other and discuss.
The seats are made of wood, that is the same material of the "bundle", and are even part of the structure itself. They are put in some holes on the walls, and when the structure is filled with people, the facades are lighter and they let more light enter inside.
The second part of the project, consists in an extension of the first phase.
Supposing that after some time the "bundle" has created different needs in the neighbourhood, the "educative playground" is going to fullfill this necessity.
The main necessity is to educate the sense of community, since the young age, in order to enroot it on their conscience.
In order to educate the children, it is often the technique of the game, using it as a way to make them learn. In this perspective we thought to use two different type of games, to teach young children the respect for the people and the public property. Also we want to promote collaboration between young children. In order to achieve this we developed two different types of game, the first is the game to enter the building, and the second one is a game that is played with some boxes, similar to lego-s.

To enter the building you have to find your way, like in a labyrinth, by rotating some wooden panels, that are fixed on the ceiling and on the ground. Some wooden panels are rotatable, some other are not, and the rest of the panels, which separate the indoor space from the outdorr, are made of glass, to let the light inside.
After you have entered, inside you find an empty space, which can be filled with some plastic boxes of different colors, by taking them from the walls and play with them inside.
Through the idea of playing together, and collaborate to create some type of structure with those boxes, so they can play on them, the children will grow up with an enrooted sense of community.
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